Students → APTA Student Assembly
All student members of APTA are part of the Student Assembly. The Student Assembly is represented within the association by the Student Assembly Board of Directors, which includes two nonvoting delegates who participate in APTA’s House of Delegates.
The Student Assembly Board of Directors is made up of 10 members, eight of whom serve one-year terms (president, vice president, secretary, director of communications, director of membership, director of SPTA relations, and student PT delegate, and nominating committee member) and two of whom serve two-year terms (nominating committee chair and nominating committee chair-elect). As of 2020, student elections are held electronically once per year, with all APTA student members eligible to vote.
Core Ambassadors are volunteer APTA members who serve as a link between the Student Assembly Board of Directors and student members in their state. There is one core ambassador per state who is responsible for sharing communications and encouraging engagement.